Ana Luiza Gomes
"To foresee, in this sense, is to see into the future, not to project a future state of affairs in the present; it is to look where you are going, not to fix an end-point".
Tim Ingold
Professional experience
2018 to present Autonomous: fashion design researcher and branding consultant - Belo Horizonte
2016 FarmRio: marketing content manager - Rio de Janeiro
2015 Biennial Brazilian Design 2015: curator’s assistant - Andarilha: design researcher - São Paulo
2014 Espaço Húmus: art researcher & Interviewer - São Paulo
2013 Trip Editora: art director - São Paulo
2012 Greco Design: senior graphic designer - Belo Horizonte
2008 DesignComZ: graphic designer - São Paulo
2007 Editora Abril: graphic designer - São Paulo
2006 Hardy Design graphic designer - Belo Horizonte
2005 Sapien Design: web designer - Belo Horizonte
Academic experience
2012 Postgraduate Degree Fashion Design at FUMEC, Belo Horizonte
2011 Introduction to Curating Contemporary Art Exhibitions at University of Arts London, England
2006 B.A. Graphic Design at UEMG, Belo Horizonte
2005 Guest Student Visual Communication at Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany
2004 B.A. Communication at PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte
1999 High School Exchange Program at Forest Hill School, Australia
1997 Spanish Language Course at Real Colegio Alfonso XII, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Awards & Publications
2014 D&AD Award, USA - “O que as wandas não contam” magazine
2014 If Design Awards, Germany - “O que as wandas não contam” magazine
2012 Red Dot Awards, Best of the Best, Germany - Palíndromo magazine
2012 IDCA Awards NY, USA - Inhotim - Art Institute logo
2012 Exhibition Conexão Cultural, MIS, Brazil - “O que você ama em SP?” interactive project
2012 Exhibition at Zipper Gallery, Brazil - “O que você ama em SP?” interactive project
2011 Award How International Design, USA - Palíndromo magazine
2011 Logo Design - v3 Taschen, Germany - Inhotim - Art Institute logo
2010 Award “IDEA Brasil”, Brazil - Fundação Dom Cabral signage
2009 Logo Design - v2 Taschen, Germany - Inhotim - Art Institute logo and Andarilho Film credits
2008 9th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial, Brazil - Capricho Magazine and Andarilho Film credits
2007 Experimenta Magazine, 2007, Spain - Inhotim - Art Institute logo
2007 Print Magazine Award, USA - Inhotim - Art Institute logo
2006 8th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial, Brazil - Guardiões do Patrimônio website
Address: Rua Campanha, 189/503 bh, mg cep 30310-770
Email: analuizagomes@gmail.com Phone: (31) 984056661